When the BPA scandal broke, many people stopped using hard plastic cups and bottles and switched over to stainless steel. Yes, it was much more costly, but most people found it to be worth the extra expense because stainless steel does not have bisphenol A (BPA). Sigg was a very popular choice with parents because it was not prone to leakage and came in cute syles. Last week, however, they announced that bottles made before August 2008 did have very small amounts of BPA in their lining. The two liners look different so if you are not sure which bottle you have check out the image above for the differences. I would like to note here that Sigg never claimed their bottles were BPA free and consumers just made the assumptions that they were. They do state that they were looking for a way to create a BPA free lining for their bottle since 2006 and it took them until 2008 to implement the change. Unfortunately, many people feel mislead and are not happy to have to throw out expensive steel bottles. I would advice that you contact Sigg before throwing anything out and see what they are willing to do for you. The latest I have heard is that they will exchange them for you. You can contact them at liners@mysigg.com for the exchange. Here is the Sigg press release from their CEO "explaining" the situation. I guess the lesson we can all learn from this is never make assumptions. If someone refuses to disclose information (Sigg refused to disclose what their liner is made of), they probably have something to hide.